If you're ready to feel more empowered and confident, heal from past trauma, stop doubting your worth as a Sensitive and finally love and accept yourself, then tune in weekly!

The Sensitive Collective Podcast

Sensitive Collective

Hope you're ready for some epic transformations...

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Welcome to the Sensitive collective podcast!

The Go-To Podcast for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Looking for More Empowerment and Healing (and loving support along the way.)

If you're ready to feel more empowered and confident, heal from past trauma, stop doubting your worth as a Sensitive and finally love and accept yourself, then tune in weekly!

Featured Episodes

You're Not Too Sensitive, You're Sublimely Sensitive

Sensitive's Struggle with Low Self Worth

This episode is for you if you aren't certain that you're an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, or know that you are and are wondering if it's just you, or why you have the qualities that you do, or if there's a deeper meaning to it all.
If you have ever heard "you're too sensitive," then you need to listen to this episode!

In this episode I dive into an issue that effects all Sensitives - low self worth.
Join me for a look at why that's the case and what you can do about it! Because learning how to work with your issues of low self worth is essential to your own happiness and ability to thrive in life and relationships, and has even bigger ripple effects than you may know!

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S3 E23

S3 E21

You want to learn how to claim your power and confidence.

You like to go deep, and are interested in the unseen but felt world.

You just want someone who "gets it"  to guide you in what actually works.

You are so over feeling like your Sensitivity is a burden.

This podcast is for you if:

Every episode I find myself saying "I love this lady" this has to be my favorite podcast hands down. Everything she says just resonates so much with me. Keep up the good work!

I absolutely love this podcast

About your host

Hi, I'm Laura Ann!

Laughter is my favorite medicine, and I love being in nature, cuddling with my fur babies, and diving deep into the unseen but felt world.

Going through my own dark night of the soul, total burnout, chronic illness, and Spiritual Awakening led me to my truth and my purpose. I am an Empath and Highly Sensitive Person, and I'm here to guide others like me on their own healing journey to a more Empowered and Peaceful State of Being.

When Sensitives heal and feel empowered to shine their light in the world, everybody wins!

learn more

My superpower is helping Empaths and Highly Sensitive People to finally feel confident and worthy of their heart's desires, so they can thrive in a life and relationships without sacrificing who they are.

The Sensitive COllective Podcast is here to help you ditch the story that sensitivity is a weakness, claim your unique Sensitivity superpowers, and create a more fulfilling life and relationships.

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What are YOUR Superpowers?

Find out how healing from your past trauma and learning how to love and accept yourself can awaken your unique spiritual gifts and Sensitivity Superpowers!

Curious? Book a call